
  1. To perform good analysis, many times you have to get to know how a given indicator works. In these exercises we are going to use a data about PTS (the Political Terror Scale) and SVS (the Societal Violence Scale). Make a research what they are, how they are defined, when they are used, who uses them and why.

  2. The differences between PTS scores assigned by different organizations are significant? What about difference between countries and years? dataset

  3. The difference between SVS scores between year is significant? Assume that \(n*=n\) and \(*=NA\), where \(n\) is a SVG score.

  4. Examine the relationship between old and new prices (dataset homedata from UsingR package). Old price is the independent variable. Predict the home price in the year 2000 that was worth 75 000 $ in 1970.

  5. Dataset Salaries from carData package contains the 2008-09 nine-month academic salary for Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors in a college in the U.S. Create a regression model and see which variables affect the dependent variable salary. Predict salary value for your selected variable values.